Monday, 15 December 2014


Salam and Hi semua orang,

Dah berhabuk dah blog ni and I missed nak bercerita dalam ni (even i'm not sure who will read though haha). So many things happened in these few months.

To cut the story short, on 25th August 2014, doctor confirmed that I had ovarian cyst. Bukan satu tapi dua. Saiz nearly 10cm on the left and 5cm on the right. Masa dpt tau, it made me so down and i nearly give up. Hoping for berita baik but it turns out the other way.

Alhamdulillah selamat menjalani operation on 4th September 2014 at Hospital Pusrawi by Dr Salleh. Sangat berterima kasih for the whole family, inlaws, friends that came to visit. Special thanks to my hubby yang balik dr KK semata mata utk be my side at the hospital. Thank you sayang!

Sebelum keluar hospital, doc said that I had endometrosis. He suggests to take lucrin injection for six months to stop my period. Dia kata it is the best to ensure my endo is clear so that I can start trying to get pregnant. I was like "Six months?!" (dalam hati la) but then after discussed,we agreed.

Mahal injection around rm500 each. And now I can't believe that actually I will have my 5th injection this 31st December 2014 and my hubby will be with me. Yayyy! Last injection kena amik on 28th January 2015. Tak sabarnya nak abiskan dos injection ni. After the 1st and 2nd dos, side effects were terrible. I was so so down and depressed. But now syukur, i think my body is well adapted with the injection.

Last appointment on the 3rd injection, 3rd December 2014 doc Norkedah scan to see if there is any cyst but syukur sangat, it was clear with no cysts and she said probably i don't need to continue my injection then. (if there is any cyst, i may need to continue another 3 months.) I need to thank my sister for introducing me to Qaseh Adinda as my supplement. I think Qaseh helps me a lot in curing my luka dalam after operation and also assist in stopping any cyst to grow. As pesakit endo, I need to eat healthy food and makanan sunnah. That's why I choose to consume Qaseh. Hope tidak perlu terus amik injection as first reason, it costs a lot of money and second, i want to try getting pregnant.

After finish the 6th injection, it may take a while (maybe few months) before i get my period, So it will be another penantian for me. Takpela emmy, some things are just worth the wait kan?

And now another penantian is waiting my hubby to come back home. We will meet after 2months not seeing each other due to his work. 10 days to go for now and I am so damn excited! Being in a long distance relationship taught me a lot, especially on keeping a good attitude while waiting and to be sabar all the time.

I will try to write regularly (selalu ckp camni tp tak jadi pun haha) because I just like to share my story. Oh okay, next post will be about my baby bro's wedding. I'll write bila dah setel majlis belah kami nnt on the 28th December okayy? I tryyy haha. And oh yes, I still can't believe he is married. hihi

See you later guys! Take care~

Mylia :)

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