Saturday, 24 November 2012

Long time no see! I'm back. :)

Salam and Hi everyone,

How are you guys out there? Dah lama giler okayyy tak update blog. And now,saat ini I decided to write again. Luahan perasaan saya maybe. Haha. Life seperti biasa. Kerja? Sekarang dah di transfer ke branch baru at Laman Seri. Yups, lagi jauhhhhh. Sakit belakang dah jalan jauh. Takpela,kerja tetap kerja. Mana la tau nnt akan diberi peluang di tempat lain? InsyaAllah. Doakan emmy ya!

Just wanna share about my anakbuah tersayang. We went Wahab's cendol at Sri rampai. Sedapp! Kat situ if nak order,they ill provide you a sheet of paper and tick which one that you want using a pencil. My nephew Izz cuba nak conteng my tangan. And guess what did he ask? He asked me 'Cik Mee,camne nak eja nama Appa (my beloved Bf)?' Gila terkejut and terharu bila soalan tu yg kuar dr dia. Kononnya nak buat tatu la atas my tangan. HAHA. Ketawa besar Cik Mee nya sambil blushing kejap. Izz pun sama gelak. Budak2 sekarang mmg advanced. Cerdik and cepat belajar. Can't believe that he is actually turning 7 years old next year and mula ke sekolah rendah. How time flies. Ishh.

About me myself,through few months back, macam2 yang I've been through. Good times,bad times. But Alhamdullilah syukur I made it through with the help of Allah swt, my beloved family,buah hati and rakan2 tersayang. Kesabaran itu sangat sangat penting. My new achievement is I mampu tersenyum and sedikit pun tak rasa marah eventhough people are saying bad things in front of me. Maybe bagi org lain,perkara itu biasa je. Tapi for me, it means a lot. Tahniah Emmy! Keep up the good work. hehe.

Do you wanna know? I have a new hobby now! Membelek majalah pengantin. YAYYYY! Seronok juga tengok pictures and artikel about weddings. Menambah ilmu pengetahuan sambil buat survey.Im going to get married next year. InsyaAllah if tiada aral melintang and jika diizinkanNya. Doakan ya semoga semuanya dipermudahkan. I'll share later about it okayy!

Got to go now. Will be writing frequently after this. Go Emmy Go! Take care and have a nice weekend ya.

Mylia. :)